5113 S. Harper Ave. #2C, Chicago, IL 60615
15255 S. 94th Ave, Orland Park, IL 60462
Having an arrest, conviction or criminal charge on your record can cause a lot of upset and turmoil in your life. It may be difficult to get a job, apply for a loan, buy or rent a home or get accepted into certain schools. The good news is that there are usually a few legal options for people who are looking to get their record clean again.
If you were arrested and were released without any charges filed against you, or if charges were later dismissed, it will still show the arrest on your public record. You may be able to expunge these public records, which means the record will be destroyed permanently, so nobody will ever be able to view it.
Phil Haddad Law Group, LLC. is the law firm you want by your side if you want to understand your legal options when it comes to having a prior arrest, conviction or criminal charge removed from your record.. Every aspect of your case will be thoroughly examined in order to get you the best outcome possible for your case.
Contact our criminal defense law firm in Chicago to get your free case review by calling 708-833-3505.
5113 S. Harper Ave. #2C
Chicago, IL 60615
15255 S. 94th Ave
Orland Park, IL 60462
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